Thursday, July 1, 2010


May Appearances and Happenings: I had a wonderful time reading to a preschool class at Make a Mess and Make Believe Preschool. Before I began reading though my 4 year old daughter kissed my lipstick covered lips and then she kissed my sash!! Ahhhh.........what a sweetie but I wasn't sure how on earth I was going to get that lipstick mark off of white satin. When I got home I decided to use an all natural stain stick I had bought at Once Upon a Child (a children's clothing store) and miraculously the stain disappeared!! Not even a trace of it remained. I was so happy that this stain stick worked that I wrote a thank you letter to the company in Canada that makes this stain stick. THEY were grateful for my story and letter and they sent me a goody box filled with other all natural products they make (hand sanitizer, sugar free/gluten free granola and a few more stain sticks!) In addition, the Essence Pageant director and I asked the company if they would like to be pageant sponsors and they said, "Yes!" All of the delegates will receive something from Bunchafarmers at the pageant. So, visit THANK YOU, Bunchafarmers!!!
Also, in the month of May I was able to help deliver some gift bags filled with all kinds of fun stuff by members of Spouses Helping Spouses (SHS) a local military spouses support and activity group. These bags went to mother's in the group whose spouses were either deployed or TDY over Mother's Day. I also donated 8 make overs to the gift bags.
In May, I had the most incredible photo shoot with photographer, Kari Neff of Deja' View Photography (Gillette, WY) I had so much fun and she was a joy to work with. Visit to see more of her work. Thank you Kari for an unforgettable "Wyoming Couture" shoot. Ha! These photos are featured through out my blog.

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