Thursday, July 1, 2010


June Appearances and Happenings: Oh wow....I don't know about you but June was busy, busy, busy for me and my family! I'm sad to see that June is already over. This past month I was honored to be part of the crowning ceremony for the new Mrs. Wyoming Galaxy, Holley Nicholson. I love that the Galaxy ladies (especially the director Rae Jean) have adopted this Essence Queen into their sisterhood!! I look forward to more appearances and gatherings with them. In fact the Galaxy International Pageant is happening VERY soon and I want to wish the Wyoming and Colorado Galaxy Princesses and Queens the very best of luck as they compete.
Just a few short weeks ago my brother in law found out that he has prostate cancer. This is devastating news for him as well as my sister as they embark on his treatment. God sure works in mysterious ways......very soon after learning about his cancer, I was asked to be a guest speaker at the Thermopolis Relay For Life. Wow, what an honor. In less than two weeks my friends and family pooled together $300 for the American Cancer Society and I was up all night walking for this great cause (ok, so technically I fell asleep from 2am-6am but I was there!!) Thank you to my incredible supporters as I participated in Relay For Life. My mom, Patty Thompson, friends Brad Starkey, Pam Heide, Marcia Biedermann, Val Kleppen and Bill & Linda Greaham. I had a t-shirt made for the event and on the front it read, "I am walking for Greg Anderson." I listed my supporters on the back. The charmingly small town of Thermopolis raised over $29,000 for this years Relay For Life. Isn't that incredible?! WAY TO GO!!!!
Prayers are greatly appreciated for my brother in law, his wife (my sister) and their cutie-patootie daughter.
Also in June, I had an absolute BLAST being royalty at the Butch Cassidy Days in Laramie. Two fun filled days of greeting guests, speaking on my platform and helping out with the Stick Horse rodeo! I also met and worked with miss Butch Cassidy Days, Brittany Richards, who will be competing at Miss Rodeo Wyoming in a couple of weeks!! Best of luck to you Brittany!! I had an incredible time talking with folks from all over the country that were either vacationing in Wyoming, passing through or locals that wanted to check out the event. The staff at the historical Wyoming Territorial Prison were incredible and treated me so well. I must thank Deb, Lynette and Eileen. I think my husband and I will make this an annual family event since we had such a wonderful time....not to mention we filled up on sarsparillas, beef brisket and rock candy. Mmmmmm! Locals, if you have not toured this fascinating place please will learn alot about history and what prison life was like in the late 1800's. It is with great excitment that I tell you I met Sandra Collingwood, the author of the newly released book, Birds Of A Feather- Women of The Wyoming State Territorial Prison. She is such a sweet person and I am currently reading my autographed copy of the book!

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